LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 5.2

Still going mostly strong, but I'm making a mistake that burned me last time and I've got to stop. I get so busy during the day that I'm not eating all of my MF meals. This means that I get extra hungry and want something fast and easy, which will lead to me going way off plan.

Morning - hot chocolate
Midday - samples at Costco
Lunch - L/G Rotisserie chicken and lettuce salad (lots of chicken!)
Afternoon - free salad at work
Evening - MF chicken soup doctored up a bit
Exercise - none

Successes: My husband asked me to get him some chocolate muffins at Costco. I got home and was putting them away and thought I'd break one piece off a muffin top (which, let's be real, would probably lead to me eating the whole top, if not the whole thing), my finger was pushing on the plastic to break in and get it and then I stopped and put them away!

Confessions: Not enough MF meals. The samples at Costco could have been really bad, but I only ate the meat ones and a stir-fry veggies one.

Hated-being-fat moment today:
There's a super skinny girl on my team and I had a meeting with her today. Whenever I am near her I know I look even more like the Michelin Tire guy than usual.

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