Medifast Peanut Butter Brownies
These brownies are my favorite treat right now. I will tell you up front that they have peanut butter in them. From what I can gather, 1 T. of peanut butter used to be permitted on the Medifast plan as a snack but they took it off the list because it is a trigger food for a lot of people.
So if peanut butter is a trigger food for you I recommend you don't make these brownies. But if you can manage to get 2 T of peanut butter out of the jar and into the mixing bowl without eating the whole jar, you are in for a real treat.
Medifast Peanut Butter Brownies
1 packet MF chocolate pudding
1 packet hot cocoa
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 T peanut butter
1/4 - 1/2 C water
optional: 2 T sugar-free chocolate syrup
Mix the dry ingredients together. Add 2 T of peanut butter.
Cut in with a fork until the mixture is combined and looks like a crumb topping.
If you are going to use the chocolate syrup add it now and mix it in with the fork until it's evenly combined. At this point the mixture looks like brown sugar to me.
If you used chocolate syrup add about 1/4 C of water and mix. If you didn't, use closer to 1/2 C. Mix thoroughly, but expect the dough to still be lumpy. It should be really thick, sort of like play-dough.
I like to cook the brownies in a greased mini-bread loaf pan, but they would work as muffins too I'm sure. I smooth the top with a spatula to flatten it. Then cook in the mini-loaf pan at 350 for 25 minutes. It will smell SO GOOD and chocolatey!
The brownies end up being the thick, gooey type, not the lightish cake type brownies. They are so yummy just out of the oven, especially the warm middle.
This recipe makes two Medifast meals and should technically be eaten on separate days, because there's enough peanut butter in them for 2 snacks.
This recipe can also be used to make a birthday cake for a special person. Happy Birthday, Mom! Wish you were here so I could make this treat for you. I'd give you some of the one I made tonight but it's long gone. :)
If you ever figure out how to make these with HMR will you post? They look amazing and love that they have PB in them!
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