Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 12

Morning scale report: -2

Hooray! I was sitting at 9.5 lbs for 2 or 3 days, so this puts me over 10 lbs!

7:30 - Caramel Crunch Bar (I wish the caramel was stretchy instead of hard)
10:15 - Hot chocolate
1:30 - Chicken noodle soup (took forever to cool down and burned my tongue)
5:00 - Chocolate pudding
7:30 - BBQ chicken and steak and a salad, yum!
midnight - Oatmeal raisin maintenance bar (my favorite bar, it tastes like a fig newton in my opinion)

There's a message board on the Medifast website where a group sets mini-goals to lose 10 lbs. each and then gives themselves a reward when they reach them. I am so excited to do this! I need to think of what my rewards will be.

I should also re-admit that I have a secret goal to lose 100 lbs, not just 50. So I'm going to schedule out rewards for all of my mini-goals. The only problem is that since I've already achieved the first 10, what do I set as a reward? I will have to think about it. Maybe a new scale?


After much pondering, I've come up with this list. I had to put things on there that I wouldn't normally get to do or have, because otherwise they won't be compelling as motivators.

10 lost: Pedicure/eyebrows
20 lost: Take a day off to go site-seeing in DC
30 lost: Have a maid clean the house
40 lost: New swimsuit
50 lost: Overnight trip as a family
60 lost: New Rennaisance festival outfit
70 lost: Spa day
80 lost: Ride a rollercoaster
90 lost: New setting for wedding ring
100 lost: Trip to Italy or Greece (or both)
100 maintained lost for 12 months: Kitchen rennovations

I'm not going to do a clothes shopping spree, though I see a lot of people use that as a goal. I know I'll need to be buying smaller clothes as I go along, as necessities so I don't know how compelling that would be as a reward. I did include one outfit that I will buy that I normally wouldn't consider.

Daily Food Confessions: I did great today. The only exceptions I made were for some BBQ sauce on my chicken, just a glaze, and possibly the salad dressing (I didn't read the label).

Click HERE to read about my 13th day on Medifast.

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