Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 6.2

Today is going to be a test because we're going to play board games with friends this afternoon and then to a professional hockey game tonight. Wish me luck!

9 - MF Eggs with a little cheese and a 4 chicken/basil meatballs
12 - MF Chicken Noodle Soup
3 - Grilled Salmon (yummy!), um and ~4 large strawberries a couple of bites of potatoes and pasta salad
6 - 1/4 of a Chipotle burrito bowl with carnitas, cheese, green peppers, tomatoes and 3 chips
11 - MF Peanut Butter brownie (uses 2 mixes)
Exercise: fast walk to hockey game and back

  • Resisted the constant chocolate muffin temptation, though one time I had my hand on the cupboard door where they are.
  • Didn't eat anything at the hockey stadium.
  • Ate salmon instead of hotdogs at friends' bbq (was so much better than hotdogs anyway!)
I've mentioned on here before that I struggle to stay 100% on plan when I'm a guest in someone's home and they prepare food especially for me. In this case it was a caprese pasta salad and grilled potatoes. I sat as far as I could from the hostess and just put a small amount of both dishes on my plate and then only took a couple of bites of each. They were delicious, but I resisted. Where I really did have problems at their house was with the strawberries. I was cutting them and ate a slice of one and it was sooo sweet and good! So I kept eating them and telling myself it's ridiculous for a diet to restrict me from eating strawberries. Later that night, again we were dining socially and I ate a couple of the chips at the restaurant. I'd rather do that and slow my progress a little bit than to have to talk about the diet at this point.

Hated-being-fat moment today:
Nice, skinny friend kindly sits in the back seat of her car letting me have the front. No one said it, but it was obvious it would be too cramped for me. I want to be the one cramped in the back!

My calorie total is too high today, so I need to have a really on-track day tomorrow to get ready for my Monday weigh-in. I've been checking out my weight each morning and I'm definitely down. The first time I was on MF I lost 9 lbs. my first week. I'm going for 11 this time!

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