Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 4 Report

Week 4 Weight Loss: -2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -19 lbs

I have to admit I'm a little bummed. I REALLY wanted to hit the 20 lb. mark by today. My scale said -20 a couple of times this morning (I weighed about 50 times, lol), but not enough for me to think it was accurate.

Realistically, 2 lbs in a week is fine, and I was expecting eventually I'd be losing at about that rate. But I know I can do better!

Areas I need to improve this week:
  • No cheat nights!
  • Drink more water
  • Simplify Lean/Greens (less condiments/fats)
  • Eat 5 MF meals every day
  • Eat 2 MF meals before lunch so I won't be cramming them in at the end of the day
  • Make less MF cookies/brownies

Additional thoughts:

I've been thinking a lot about what I'll have to do differently to maintain my weight loss after I go off the diet. There are so many foods (treats) that I would love to have back in my diet, but I am going to try to schedule them so I'm not eating them all at once. I really want to keep eating a Lean/Green meal every day, and I'd love it if by then my family was ready to join me. So far they haven't been too interested in my salads and veggies (although my 4-year-old did eat asparagus last night with me).

So maybe once/week I can eat a meal that is a bit of a splurge, or maybe have a dessert. I'm also really looking forward to adding fruit back into my menus. That's another thing I'd like to help my family start eating more of.

I was watching Oprah last week because it was about weight loss and there was a guy on there that had lost something like 1,000 lbs and then turned around and gained it all back. He was working on losing it again. It was scary! I imagine working so hard and being thin for a while but then losing all that progress and having to start all over again. That must be soooo discouraging.

I always have a weight that is my "DO NOT PASS" weight. The main trigger for me starting this diet now was that I passed that number by 2 lbs and couldn't get them off with just traditional methods, so I took drastic measures. Once I meet my goals I'm going to have a new "DNP" weight, and if I go over it I will go back on Medifast for a week or so until I'm back below that number.

Hopefully, this will keep me from being stupid and gaining back everything that I've lost. I need to write up a list of all the reasons I don't like being this weight so I can read them when I'm feeling like cheating.

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